Comedy   United Kingdom

As the politician, Senator Robert Lancaster, arrives at The Green Man hotel for his secret rendezvous, Hawkins sets up his explosives discreetly in the politician's suite, ready to carry out his deadly mission. Unbeknownst to Hawkins, vacuum salesman William Blake happens to be staying at the same hotel for a business conference.

While going about his sales routine, Blake accidentally stumbles upon Hawkins' suspicious activities. Curiosity piqued, he begins investigating the mysterious watchmaker's actions, slowly uncovering his true identity as an assassin. Determined to prevent a potential tragedy, Blake works covertly to gather evidence and build a case against Hawkins.

Meanwhile, inside the hotel, the politician and his secretary, Sarah Morgan, are unaware of the imminent danger that awaits them. Over the course of their secret tryst, they unwittingly become entangled in Hawkins' elaborate assassination plot.

As the hours tick by, tensions rise both in and outside the hotel. Blake races against the clock to expose Hawkins and protect the lives of Lancaster and Morgan. With each passing moment, more pieces of the puzzle fall into place, and Blake's determination grows stronger.

Blake's investigation eventually leads him to an unexpected alliance with hotel security manager, Elena Rodriguez, who possesses crucial information about Hawkins' past and connections to the shady Middle Eastern bosses. Together, they formulate a plan to intercept Hawkins before he can set off the explosives.

In a thrilling climax, Blake and Rodriguez confront Hawkins just moments before he plans to trigger the bombs. A high-stakes battle ensues, with Blake using his clever wit and resourcefulness to outsmart the trained killer. Eventually, with the help of Rodriguez and unexpected allies, they manage to neutralize Hawkins and save Lancaster and Morgan.

In the aftermath, Hawkins' true identity is exposed to the authorities, and his Middle Eastern bosses are brought to justice, unraveling a larger conspiracy. Blake, hailed as a hero, returns to his seemingly mundane life as a vacuum salesman, forever changed by the dangerous encounter he faced at The Green Man hotel.
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