Science Fiction,Horror   United States of America

As David continues to work as a lab assistant for Dr. Stoner, he becomes more fascinated by the world of snakes and develops a keen interest in Stoner's research on the exotic creatures. He spends hours studying their behavior and their unique venomous qualities.

Meanwhile, David's feelings for Kristina grow stronger, and they start spending more time together outside of the laboratory. Kristina, unaware of her father's sinister plans, enjoys David's company and they form a deep connection.

However, as David becomes more integrated into the lab and gains Stoner's trust, the doctor reveals his true intentions. He confides in David, revealing his secret serum that can transform any man into a deadly King Cobra snake.

Caught off guard, David is torn between his love for Kristina and his fear of becoming a snake against his will. He decides to investigate the consequences of the serum on his own and begins searching for ways to reverse the transformation process.

During his research, David uncovers a dark secret about Dr. Stoner's past. The doctor had previously tested the serum on unsuspecting individuals with disastrous results, leading to the deaths of innocent people. Determined to protect both himself and Kristina, David is now determined to expose Stoner's cruel experiments.

With the help of a few close allies, including a snake expert and a fearless journalist, David devises a plan to expose Dr. Stoner's true intentions and put an end to his twisted experiments. As they gather evidence against the doctor, tension rises and the stakes become much higher.

In a climactic showdown, David confronts Dr. Stoner, who unleashes his venomous creations upon him. David must find the strength to defeat his former mentor while protecting Kristina and ensuring the vile serum remains locked away forever.

As the credits roll, David emerges as a hero, having stopped the doctor's nefarious plans and saved countless lives. With his newfound knowledge and experience, he decides to continue his studies in herpetology, pursuing his passion for snakes, but with a newfound perspective on the ethical boundaries of scientific research.
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