Drama,History   United States of America

The movie "Jesus," based on the Gospel of Luke, provides a detailed portrayal of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, spanning over three and a half years. Here are some additional plot details from the film:

1. The Birth and Childhood: The movie briefly showcases the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, the visitation of the shepherds, and the arrival of the three wise men. It then fast-forwards to when Jesus is twelve years old, where he is depicted questioning the religious authorities in the temple.

2. Jesus' Baptism and Temptation: The movie depicts Jesus' baptism in the Jordan River by John the Baptist. After his baptism, Jesus goes into the wilderness, where he is tempted by Satan for forty days and nights.

3. The Call of the Disciples: Jesus begins his ministry by calling his twelve disciples, including Simon Peter, Andrew, James, John, and others. The movie portrays Jesus teaching and performing miracles alongside them, such as the multiplication of loaves and fishes and healing the sick.

4. Sermons and Parables: Throughout the film, Jesus delivers powerful teachings, including the sermon on the plain (similar to the sermon on the mount in Matthew's gospel), where he teaches the Beatitudes and various ethical teachings. He also shares parables like the Good Samaritan, the Lost Sheep, and the Prodigal Son, conveying important spiritual messages.

5. Controversies and Opposition: Jesus' teachings and actions draw both admiration and opposition. The movie depicts various encounters with religious leaders, including the Pharisees and scribes, who become increasingly threatened by Jesus' authority and popularity. They question his teachings and conspire to undermine him.

6. Miracles and Healings: The film extensively showcases Jesus performing numerous miracles and healings, illustrating his divine power and compassion. It includes healing the blind, raising the dead (such as the widow's son), and casting out demons.

7. Journey to Jerusalem: The movie depicts Jesus embarking on his final journey to Jerusalem, knowing that his mission involves sacrifice and fulfillment of prophecies. Along the way, he encounters various individuals and responds to their needs with grace and love.

8. The Last Supper and Betrayal: The film portrays the Last Supper, where Jesus shares the Passover meal with his disciples. During this event, he institutes the sacrament of communion. It also showcases the betrayal of Jesus by one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, leading to his arrest.

9. Trial, Crucifixion, and Resurrection: The film depicts Jesus' trial before Pontius Pilate, his crucifixion on the cross at Calvary, and his subsequent resurrection after three days. The resurrection scene is presented with an emphasis on hope, triumph, and the eternal significance of Jesus' sacrifice.

10. Ascension: The movie concludes with Jesus' ascension into heaven, as witnessed by his disciples. It signifies the completion of his earthly ministry and the beginning of the spread of his teachings by his followers.

Note: The movie "Jesus" may have variations in plot details depending on the specific adaptation or interpretation chosen by the filmmakers.
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