Drama   N/A

In "Time of My Life" (original title: "Tot altijd"), the story revolves around a group of friends living in the 1980s, enjoying their youthful days while navigating through the complexities of love and life. Among this close-knit group is Thomas, who has recently graduated as a doctor and is Mario's best friend.

Unfortunately, their carefree days come to a halt when Thomas makes a life-altering diagnosis for Mario. He reveals that Mario has been afflicted with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a progressive disease that gradually impairs bodily functions and, in severe cases, can also affect mental abilities. Although not immediately fatal, the implications of the disease greatly impact Mario's life.

With the diagnosis setting the course for the narrative, Mario takes on a new role as the leading spokesperson for the action group "Waardig Sterven" ("Dignified Death"). This organization advocates for the legalization of euthanasia in Belgium, allowing terminally ill patients to have the option of a dignified death. As Mario's condition worsens over time, he becomes a fierce advocate for his own right to choose when and how he wants to end his life.

Meanwhile, Thomas finds himself torn between his loyalty as a friend and his evolving professional duties as a doctor. He struggles to reconcile his desire to find a solution to relieve Mario's suffering and his inability to witness his friend's gradual degeneration. Thomas becomes deeply involved in attempting to save his best friend from succumbing to his condition, exploring various treatment options and seeking ways to alleviate Mario's suffering.

The plot delves into the emotional turmoil experienced by Thomas as he grapples with the ethical implications of euthanasia and the complexities of his friendship with Mario. The film captures the challenges faced by both characters as they confront the devastating effects of a relentless disease and the deep impact it has on their lives.

"Time of My Life" serves as a moving portrayal of friendship, love, and the human desire for dignity in the face of adversity. As the story unfolds, it explores the themes of mortality, euthanasia, and the value of cherishing the time we have in this world, ultimately questioning what it truly means to live a life of quality.
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