Drama   Japan

"The House Where the Mermaid Sleeps" is a Japanese drama film based on the novel written by Keigo Higashino. The story revolves around the difficult decision faced by Kaoruko and Kazumasa Harima, a separated couple, in the midst of tragedy.

Shortly after Kaoruko and Kazumasa make the decision to divorce once their daughter, Mizuho, enters elementary school, their lives take a tragic turn. Mizuho goes on a family trip with her father and stepmother, and while swimming in a pool, she has a near-drowning accident. She is immediately rushed to the hospital but is eventually declared brain dead with no hope of recovery.

Devastated, Kaoruko and Kazumasa are faced with the heartbreaking choice of whether to donate Mizuho's organs to save other lives or to wait until her heart stops beating. This choice becomes even more complicated as the couple finds themselves disagreeing on what to do, with Kaoruko leaning towards organ donation and Kazumasa hesitating to let go of his daughter.

As the couple grapples with their conflicting emotions, they must confront their past, their role as parents, and the grand question of what it means to let go and move on. The film explores themes of grief, guilt, love, and the indomitable bond between parents and their children.

Throughout the movie, flashbacks provide glimpses into the Harima family's past, showcasing the dynamics of their relationship and the events that led to their separation. Those memories, along with their present circumstances, further complicate their decision-making process and deepen the emotional impact of the story.

"The House Where the Mermaid Sleeps" delves into the ethical and emotional complexities surrounding organ donation, while also addressing the personal growth and healing that the characters experience through their shared tragedy. It is a poignant and thought-provoking tale that explores the depths of love and loss, challenging viewers to reflect on their own relationships and priorities.
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