Drama   United States of America

"A Master Builder" is a 2013 psychological drama film based on the play by Henrik Ibsen. The movie follows the story of Helene, the wife of a famous architect named Halvard Solness, who has spent his life bullying and manipulating those around him. As Halvard's life nears its end, he begins reflecting on his actions and desires to make amends.

The film begins with Halvard Solness being haunted by his past choices, specifically the death of his former employee, Ragnar, who died under mysterious circumstances years ago. Halvard's destructive behavior extends to his mistresses as well, including Kaia, a young woman who works as an assistant in the architecture firm. Despite his wife Helene's steadfast support, Halvard relishes in his power over others and constantly belittles and bullies them.

As Helene witnesses her husband's deteriorating mental state and his reckoning with his past actions, she becomes concerned for his well-being. She reaches out to their son, Knut, who is distant from his father due to his toxic behavior. Knut reluctantly returns home and confronts his father about the pain he has caused. Halvard, realizing the magnitude of his actions and the loneliness he has created for himself, attempts to make amends and seek forgiveness.

A pivotal moment occurs when Halvard is visited by the mysterious young woman Hilde, who claims to have met him ten years prior during Halvard's peak of success. Hilde's presence reminds Halvard of his youthful aspirations and reignites his obsession with power and control. Hilde becomes a symbol of both temptation and redemption for Halvard.

As the film progresses, Halvard starts unraveling emotionally, leading to a dramatic climax where he confronts his past actions, the consequences of his behavior, and the toll it has taken on himself and his loved ones. Halvard endeavors to achieve some form of redemption before his impending demise by mending his relationships with Helene, Knut, and those he has hurt along the way.

"A Master Builder" explores themes of power, control, and the potential for personal growth and redemption. It delves into the complex psychology of a man consumed by ego and the possibility of transformation during his final act.
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