Family,Fantasy,Comedy   Ireland,United Kingdom

As Ella grows up, she learns to cope with her curse by hiding her obedience, but it often leads her into trouble. Her stepmother and stepsisters take advantage of her, forcing her to do their bidding, and one of her stepsisters, Hattie, particularly enjoys exploiting Ella's obedience and making her life miserable.

One day, while attending a ball at the palace, Ella meets Prince Charmont, or "Char." They instantly connect and develop feelings for each other. However, Ella's curse prevents her from revealing her true feelings, and she is unable to refuse Char's request to meet him again.

Determined to find her fairy godmother and break the curse, Ella embarks on a journey. Along the way, she encounters various mythical creatures, including ogres and giants, who initially prove to be formidable adversaries. However, Ella's wit and determination help her overcome these obstacles, and she finds assistance from a group of friendly elves.

During her travels, Ella befriends Slannen, an elf who dreams of becoming a lawyer instead of working in a traditional elf profession. Ella helps him embrace his dreams, and they both inspire each other to pursue their desired paths.

As Ella gets closer to finding her fairy godmother, she learns about the grand plan of Prince Charmont's evil uncle, Sir Edgar, who desires to seize the throne. Ella realizes that her curse might be connected to Sir Edgar's plot, and she becomes more determined to break it before it's too late.

Ella finally reaches her fairy godmother, Lucinda, who is known for giving unhelpful and unpredictable gifts. Lucinda agrees to lift Ella's curse but only if she willingly says that she wants the curse to be gone. Ella hesitates, as she fears her curse may come in handy in certain situations, and she still wants to be with Char in the end. However, she eventually realizes that true love and freedom are worth more than the advantages her curse may provide.

With her curse finally lifted, Ella returns to the kingdom and attends the coronation of Prince Charmont. She confesses her love for Char, and he declares his love for her in return. Together, they thwart Sir Edgar's plan and save the kingdom from his tyranny. Ella and Char are crowned as the rightful rulers, and they live happily ever after as a couple who values kindness, fairness, and free will.
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