Fantasy,Science Fiction,Thriller   Japan

After the giant moth's destructive rampage in Japan, the Rolithican and Japanese scientists investigate further and learn that the foot-high women, known as the Shobijin, are actually fairies from the mythical infant island of Mothra. The fairies possess telepathic powers and communicate to the scientists that Mothra, a god-like protector of their island, was disturbed by the shipwreck survivors' presence on Beiru.

Realizing that they need to appease Mothra to prevent further devastation, the scientists organize a diplomatic mission to infant island to return the Shobijin and reconcile with Mothra. However, they have to face resistance and bureaucratic hurdles along the way, as some officials see Mothra as a threat rather than a potential ally.

Eventually, the diplomatic mission succeeds, and Mothra agrees to forgive humanity for their unintentional disturbance, after the fairies plead on behalf of both parties. Mothra's telepathic connection with the Shobijin allows them to communicate, leading to a peaceful resolution between the human world and the ancient creature.

Grateful for the scientists' efforts, the Shobijin gift humanity with a symbol of peace, the "Mothra's Imago" egg. The film concludes with the surviving shipwreck survivors returning to Beiru to continue their lives and Mothra returning to her dormant state, awaiting another time when she may be needed to protect the world once again.
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