Drama,Comedy,Romance   United Kingdom

Sure! In The Decoy Bride, the Hollywood actress, Lara Tyler, is getting married on a remote Scottish island to her writer fiancé, James Arber. However, as the paparazzi and journalists swarm the island, threatening to ruin the wedding, the couple's plans are thrown into chaos.

In a desperate attempt to ward off the media attention, a local woman, Katie NicAoidh, is hired as a decoy bride to draw the paparazzi away from Lara. Despite her initial reluctance, Katie agrees to the plan and finds herself getting closer to James as they work together to stage a fake wedding.

As the paparazzi become increasingly suspicious and the real wedding day approaches, Katie and James find themselves developing real feelings for each other. Meanwhile, Lara begins to question her own feelings and her impending marriage.

The Decoy Bride is a romantic comedy that explores the complexities of love, fame, and the lengths people will go to in order to protect their privacy.
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