Drama,Comedy   Japan

In What a Wonderful Family! 3: My Wife, My Life, the Hirata family faces a new set of challenges as they navigate the complexities of modern life in Japan.

Fumie, the housewife, discovers that her secret stash of money, which she carefully kept hidden in the refrigerator, has been stolen by a thief. The stolen money was meant to be used for a family vacation, which Fumie had been planning as a surprise for her loved ones. Devastated by the loss, Fumie tries to come to terms with the theft and decides to keep it a secret from her family.

As the news of the stolen money spreads among the family members, tensions arise within the Hirata household. The older generation, represented by Shuzo and his wife Tomiko, have a more traditional mindset and find it difficult to understand the changing dynamics of modern society. They struggle to comprehend why Fumie would hide money in the first place and keep it a secret.

Meanwhile, the middle generation, represented by their son Konosuke and his wife, Fumie, finds itself torn between traditional values and the need for personal freedom and independence. Konosuke is caught in the middle, trying to please both sides of the family while also keeping his own needs in mind.

As the family confronts the impact of the stolen money, they also face other personal issues and conflicts. Fumie has been considering returning to work, which sparks debates about the role of women in society and the traditional expectations placed on them. Shuzo, feeling a sense of dissatisfaction with his retired life, also embarks on a journey of self-discovery.

Throughout the film, the characters grapple with these various challenges, ultimately providing a heartfelt exploration of family dynamics, societal expectations, and the ever-changing definition of happiness in modern-day Japan. In the end, the family must come together, overcoming their differences and misunderstandings, to find a way to move forward and appreciate the importance of love, understanding, and unity.
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