Comedy   N/A

In The Night Before, the story revolves around Winston Connelly (Keanu Reeves), a high school nerd who embarks on a series of adventures on the night before his high school graduation. The film begins with Winston losing his father's precious car in a poker game against a mobster named Tito.

Panicking about the consequences, Winston seeks the help of his best friend, Reggie (played by Chris Young). Together, they embark on a wild mission to retrieve the car before Winston's father finds out. However, their night becomes even more chaotic when they inadvertently sell Winston's prom date, Tara Mitchell (Lori Loughlin), to a pimp named Keller (played by Phil Hartman).

As they try to track down Tara and undo their mistake, Winston and Reggie find themselves encountering various eccentric characters throughout Los Angeles. They come across a group of street performers, a fortune teller, and even a prostitute who recognizes Tara. Amidst their misadventures, they also face the dangerous mobster Tito, who wants them dead for losing his car in the poker game.

Throughout the night, Winston and Reggie forge a deeper bond and gain personal growth as they navigate through their hilarious and often dangerous encounters. As the night progresses, they eventually find Tara and come up with a plan to rescue her from Keller and reunite her with her father, the local police chief, further complicating their already chaotic situation.

In the end, they manage to recover Winston's father's car, save Tara, and avoid the wrath of Tito. The Night Before is a comedy that combines action, romance, and light-hearted coming-of-age themes, offering an entertaining and thrilling journey through the wild night of Winston and Reggie's high school graduation.
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