Science Fiction,Thriller,Horror   Ireland,United Kingdom

In the movie "The Last Days on Mars," the crew of Tantalus Base is in the final stages of their mission on Mars. In his excitement, one crew member named Marko Petrovic stumbles upon what he believes to be fossilized evidence of bacterial life. Fueled by his desire for recognition, he decides to venture out alone and collect additional samples, defying the orders to pack up for their return to Earth.

During his unauthorized expedition, Marko's greed leads him to dig deep into the Martian soil. Unfortunately, the ground is porous and gives way beneath him, causing him to fall into a crevice. His colleagues, devastated by the loss, can do nothing but attempt to retrieve his body.

As the crew members embark on a dangerous rescue mission, they notice strange occurrences and the sudden disappearance of another crew member. This disappearance raises suspicion among the remaining crew, forcing them to consider the possibility that the bacterial life-form they discovered is not only real but also dangerous.

As tensions rise, the crew must deal with the realization that their time on Mars is running out. They are faced with a race against the clock to both find their missing crew members and escape before the planet's inhospitable conditions and the mysterious life-form threaten to annihilate them all.

"The Last Days on Mars" is a gripping sci-fi thriller that explores the horrors that can arise when humanity encounters extraterrestrial life and the lengths individuals will go to for personal gain and recognition. It delves into humanity's hubris and the consequences of disregarding orders and safety protocols in the pursuit of scientific discovery.
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