Thriller,Comedy United States of America
The movie follows Moe Brummel as he struggles to catch the elusive strangler, Christopher Gill. As the bodies continue to pile up, Moe becomes increasingly desperate to stop the killer. At the same time, he is dealing with pressure from his mother to live up to his brother's successful career.
Kate Palmer becomes obsessed with Moe after witnessing the strangler leaving her neighbor's apartment. She begins to pry into Moe's personal life and becomes involved in the investigation, much to Moe's annoyance.
As the movie unfolds, Moe and Christopher engage in a twisted game of cat and mouse, with Christopher taunting Moe through phone calls and leaving clues for him to follow. Moe becomes increasingly unhinged as the case consumes his life, and his personal relationships suffer as a result.
In a shocking twist, it is revealed that Christopher Gill is actually Moe's brother, who has been driven to madness by the pressure to live up to their mother's high expectations. Moe is forced to confront his brother in a dramatic showdown, bringing the case to a thrilling conclusion.
Throughout the film, the complex dynamics between the characters and the psychological cat-and-mouse game between Moe and Christopher create a tense and captivating narrative.