Drama,Crime   South Korea

Plot Details:

The lawyer, Emma, returns to her remote hometown to prove her mother's innocence in a murder case that has deeply affected her family. Her mother, Margaret, has been blamed for poisoning the rice wine at her husband's funeral, resulting in the deaths of several villagers. Emma discovers that her mother is suffering from selective amnesia, unable to remember any events surrounding the tragedy.

Emma's investigation leads her to believe that there is something more sinister at play in the small village. She suspects that someone intentionally framed her mother, but the motive remains unclear. Determined to uncover the truth, Emma enlists the help of the local mayor, David.

Together, Emma and David delve into the secrets and histories of the villagers. They unravel a complex web of relationships, betrayals, and hidden agendas that have plagued the community for years. As they dig deeper, they encounter resistance from those who wish to keep the truth buried, making their task more challenging.

Emma discovers that her father, Margaret's husband, had been involved in corrupt dealings with influential individuals in the village. They had threatened him when he planned to expose their misdeeds. Emma suspects that her mother's memory loss might be a result of a trauma she experienced from witnessing her husband's murder.

With each clue they uncover, Emma and David become entangled in a dangerous game where no one can be trusted. They face threats, intimidation, and narrow escapes as they inch closer to the truth. Along the way, Emma also discovers her own connection to the villagers' secrets, making her personal investment in the case even deeper.

As Emma confronts those responsible for framing her mother, she discovers that the mastermind behind the entire scheme is none other than the village's trusted spiritual leader. It turns out that the spiritual leader possessed intricate knowledge of mind-altering herbs, which he used to manipulate Margaret's memory.

With the evidence gathered and their lives in danger, Emma and David compile a case to present to the authorities. Despite facing obstacles, they manage to expose the truth, exonerating Margaret and revealing the extent of corruption within the village.

In the end, Emma's relentless pursuit of justice not only frees her mother but also brings about a reckoning for those responsible. The movie closes on a bittersweet note as Emma and Margaret reconcile, but the scars left behind by the tragedy are not easily forgotten. The small village begins a process of healing and rebuilding, forever changed by the revelations that have come to light.
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