Documentary   Germany

In the movie Symphony on Skis, Carla and Elke, the two adventurous sisters, embark on a ski tour in the picturesque landscape of New Zealand. They decide to follow in their late father's footsteps and retrace the challenging route he once conquered in the Southern Alps.

As they start their journey, the sisters find themselves enthralled by the untouched beauty of the pristine landscape. The film captures their awe-inspiring encounters with towering mountains, vast glaciers, and breathtaking vistas. The camera takes the audience on an immersive journey, showcasing the immense freedom and uncontainable nature of the surroundings.

Throughout their expedition, Carla, Elke, and their small team of adventurers face numerous challenges and dangers. The rugged terrain tests their physical endurance and skiing skills, pushing them to their limits. They encounter treacherous ice caves, unpredictable weather conditions, and steep slopes that demand their utmost focus and determination.

While facing these challenges, the sisters also reminisce about their father, Gottlieb Braun-Elwert, who originally pioneered this route. They share stories about his love for skiing, his passion for exploration, and the deep connection he formed with the Southern Alps. The movie pays homage to their late father, emphasizing his legacy and the life he built in this majestic New Zealand landscape.

As Carla, Elke, and their team push forward, they not only experience the thrill of the adventure but also form a stronger bond with each other and the environment. Along the way, they encounter local wildlife, interact with indigenous communities, and learn about the history and culture of the region.

The film Symphony on Skis showcases not only the physical challenges and triumphs of the ski tour but also the emotional journey of the sisters. It is a tale of determination, love, and resilience as they navigate the unchartered territory and find solace in the familiar path their father once tread. Ultimately, it is a tribute to the power of exploration and the connection between humankind and nature.
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