Drama   Japan

As Yura continues to attend the Christian school and embrace his newfound faith, he experiences various challenges and adventures that test his belief in Jesus and his understanding of Christianity.

Yura becomes close friends with a fellow classmate named Hiroshi, who is initially skeptical about Yura's claims of seeing Jesus. However, as Yura's wishes continue to come true and miraculous events occur around Yura, Hiroshi becomes intrigued and begins to question his own beliefs.

Yura's grandmother, who is a devout Christian, notices the changes in her grandson and becomes overjoyed. She starts teaching Yura about the teachings of Jesus and the importance of living a virtuous life. Yura actively starts practicing his faith, reading the Bible, and attending church services regularly.

As Yura's faith grows stronger, he becomes more aware of the hardships faced by his family, classmates, and community. He starts using his newfound powers to prayerfully intervene and help those in need. His acts of kindness and compassion begin to inspire others, and gradually, the whole town takes notice of Yura's unusual abilities and starts believing in the power of Jesus.

However, not everyone is accepting of Yura's faith or the miracles happening around him. Some people in the town, including a strict and skeptical teacher, question the authenticity of his experiences and label him as a troublemaker. Yura faces backlash and criticism from those who don't understand or believe in his encounters with Jesus.

One day, Yura's mother falls gravely ill, and Yura turns to Jesus for help. He prays fervently for his mother's recovery, and miraculously, she begins to heal. The news spreads throughout the town, and people start embracing Christianity, realizing that Yura's encounters with Jesus were genuine.

Yura's story becomes a source of inspiration for many, and he emerges as a symbol of hope and faith within the community. People begin to come together, setting aside differences, to support and strengthen each other's faith.

In the end, Yura's family decides to stay in the countryside, realizing the transformative power of their experiences and the strong sense of belonging they have found within the Christian community and their relationship with Jesus. The movie concludes with Yura and his loved ones continuing their journey of faith and spreading the message of love and compassion inspired by their encounters with Jesus.
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