Drama   Italy

The movie "18 Presents" revolves around Elisa, a young woman who tragically loses her life at the age of forty due to an incurable disease. However, before her passing, she manages to leave behind a heartfelt gift for her husband and daughter as a means to remain connected with them even after her death.

The film explores the emotional journey of Elisa's husband and daughter as they face the challenges of life without her. On the daughter's first birthday following her mother's death, they discover that Elisa has prepared a gift for her. This sparks a tradition where Elisa, through letters, videos, and carefully chosen presents, continues to reach out to her daughter on each subsequent birthday until she turns eighteen.

As the years progress, Elisa's gifts become more symbolic and significant, representing important moments, life lessons, and personal growth. The presents act as a way for Elisa to remain an influential presence in her daughter's life, guiding and supporting her through various stages. The gifts not only provide emotional support but also offer guidance and wisdom, helping the daughter navigate through crucial life decisions.

Throughout the story, the daughter faces various challenges and triumphs, experiencing love, heartbreak, personal achievements, and self-discovery. The presents from her mother become a source of strength, reminding her of the unconditional love and support that Elisa would have provided.

As the daughter approaches her eighteenth birthday, the anticipation and emotion surrounding the final gift intensify. She wonders what her mother's last gift will be and what final message she wishes to impart. The movie builds up to this climax, highlighting the daughter's growth and transformation while emphasizing the everlasting bond between mother and child.

Ultimately, "18 Presents" explores themes of love, loss, family, and the power of memory. It portrays the enduring love of a mother and her desire to continue guiding her child even after death. Through the gifts she carefully prepares, Elisa ensures her impact on her daughter's life remains profound, reminding audiences of the enduring power of love and the strength it can offer in the face of adversity.
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