Comedy,Animation,Family,Adventure,Fantasy   United States of America

Smallfoot follows the story of the young yeti, Migo, who discovers a human being, which he thought was a myth. Migo's discovery challenges the beliefs of his entire community, who have been taught to fear and avoid humans at all costs. The yeti community is led by the Stonekeeper, who enforces strict rules and keeps the yetis in line by controlling their access to historical records.

As Migo tries to convince his fellow yetis of the existence of humans, he crosses paths with a group of yetis who believe in the existence of "smallfoots" and are determined to prove it to the rest of the community. Along the way, Migo befriends a human named Percy, who is a wildlife documentary filmmaker trying to prove the existence of yetis.

The story unfolds as Migo and his friends set out on a mission to uncover the truth about humans and smallfoots, defying the Stonekeeper's rules and challenging the beliefs of their community. As they journey beyond the snowy village, they encounter various challenges and obstacles, while also discovering the true nature of the relationship between yetis and humans.

Smallfoot is a heartwarming and humorous adventure that explores themes of curiosity, acceptance, and the importance of questioning long-held beliefs. As the yetis and humans come together, they learn valuable lessons about understanding and embracing differences, ultimately bringing about positive change in both of their worlds.
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