Comedy United States of America
"Oh, Hello: On Broadway" is a comedy show that blurs the line between reality and fiction, featuring two eccentric and delusional elderly characters, George St. Geegland (played by John Mulaney) and Gil Faizon (played by Nick Kroll). The show is a filmed version of their popular Broadway play.
The plot unfolds as George and Gil, who are longtime roommates living in a rent-controlled apartment on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, welcomed the audience into their fascinating world. They reveal their bizarre pasts and share their peculiar obsessions, chief among them being their deep love for tuna, specifically the local diner's tuna sandwich.
George and Gil reminisce about their previous adventures and misadventures, often getting lost in tangents and inside jokes. They also unveil their lifelong dream of making it big in the entertainment industry, despite evidence to the contrary. Throughout the show, they perform skits, songs, and monologues, filled with absurd humor, witty banter, and unexpected surprises.
As the night progresses, an unexpected guest arrives on stage, adding to the chaotic hilarity. The surprise guest, Alan Alda (portrayed by himself), further adds to the eccentricity of the show. His appearance deepens the comedic layers as George and Gil attempt to interact with their admired celebrity, albeit in their own peculiar fashion.
The plot of "Oh, Hello: On Broadway" primarily revolves around the interactions between George and Gil, their quirky personalities, and their eccentric humor. With a mix of self-awareness and absurdity, the show immerses the audience in a world that is both familiar and completely fictional, leaving them laughing at the absurdities of aging, friendship, and show business.