Animation,Science Fiction   Japan

Welcome to the Space Show follows the story of five children named Natsuki, Amane, Kiyoshi, Noriko, and Koji, who attend a self-run summer camp in a rural area. One day, they discover a wounded dog-like alien named Pochi and save its life. To their surprise, Pochi turns out to be an ambassador from the Moon, sent to Earth to learn about human culture.

In gratitude for saving its life, Pochi offers to take the children to the Moon's alien colony as a reward for their bravery. Excited by the prospect of a once-in-a-lifetime adventure, the children eagerly agree. Pochi uses advanced technology to create a spaceship disguised as a train, which they all board, and they set off for the Moon.

Upon arriving at the Moon's alien colony, the children are greeted with warmth and curiosity by the extraterrestrial beings there. They experience a vibrant and technologically advanced society, unlike anything they have ever seen. However, their joy is short-lived when Pochi's report on the attack that injured him causes the authorities to ban passage from the Moon to the Earth.

Now stranded in space and facing the approaching end of their summer camp, the children realize they must find a way back home before their parents discover that they are missing. They learn that the poachers who injured Pochi are secretly following them in an attempt to capture more of the alien species for profit. With danger looming and time running out, the children must navigate their way through treacherous situations and unknown territories while outsmarting the pursuing poachers.

As they journey through the Moon's colonized regions, the children develop a deeper understanding of empathy, friendship, and the value of helping others. They encounter various alien species, each with their own unique quirks and abilities, all of whom lend a helping hand along the way.

Throughout their adventure, the children uncover a larger sinister plot involving the poachers and a corrupt organization within the Moon's society. With the help of newfound allies and their own ingenuity, they work towards exposing the truth, saving themselves, and protecting the alien species from further exploitation.

Welcome to the Space Show is a heartwarming and thrilling tale of young heroes navigating through space, learning valuable life lessons, and ultimately finding their way back home while fighting against forces that seek to harm them.
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