Comedy   France

As Alex adjusts to the shock of suddenly being responsible for three children, he frantically tries to track down the woman he spent the night with, hoping she can shed light on the situation. However, all his attempts to locate her turn out to be in vain, leaving him to wonder if he has been intentionally left with the children.

With no other choice, Alex reluctantly takes on the role of caregiver to the kids, each with their own unique personalities and challenges. They are: Sarah, a rebellious adolescent struggling with school and authority; Michael, a shy and introverted pre-teen who finds solace in his imaginary world; and Lily, the youngest, who is full of energy and curiosity.

As Alex balances his responsibilities as a tow truck driver, his tumultuous relationship with his mother, and now the unexpected role of a parent, chaos ensues. He fumbles through diaper changes, school pickups, and attemptsto understand the needs and desires of each child.

Over time, however, Alex and the children start to bond and form a makeshift family, despite the difficult circumstances. They find support and guidance from unexpected sources, such as Alex's co-worker, Jenny, who becomes a close confidante and offers help whenever she can.

As their journey continues, Alex begins to question his own capabilities as a parent and wrestles with the decision of whether or not to keep the children. He slowly starts to prove his mother wrong, showcasing growth and maturity in his newfound role.

Just as Alex starts to find his footing as a father figure, the woman who mysteriously vanished resurfaces. She explains that she is their estranged mother and had to leave them temporarily due to an urgent family matter. Feeling guilty for her absence and realizing the positive changes in the children's lives, she decides to allow Alex to continue caring for them.

In the end, Alex decides to seize the opportunity and officially becomes the legal guardian of the three kids. With the love and support of his extended family, including his mother who has gradually softened her strict demeanor, Alex proves that he is capable of taking on responsibilities and finding happiness in the least expected circumstances.
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