Comedy,Drama,Romance   France

Sure! In The Hairdresser's Husband, Antoine is portrayed as a young boy who is enchanted by the sight and smell of the local hair salon. As he grows up, his obsession with hairdressers only deepens. He eventually meets and falls in love with a beautiful hairdresser named Mathilde. They get married and live happily together, with Antoine reveling in the scent of shampoos and the sounds of hair being cut.

However, as the film progresses, it becomes clear that Antoine's fixation with hairdressers goes beyond a simple fondness. He becomes increasingly possessive and controlling, even to the point of demanding that Mathilde only wear her hair a certain way. This behavior eventually strains their relationship and causes tension between them.

The film also delves into Antoine's childhood, showing how his obsession with hairdressers developed and how it has affected his adult life. As the story unfolds, it becomes apparent that Antoine's fixation is linked to deeper emotional issues and traumas from his past.

The Hairdresser's Husband is a visually stunning, yet poignant exploration of love, obsession, and the impact of childhood experiences on adult behavior. It's a thought-provoking film that delves into the complexities of human relationships and the lasting effects of early influences.
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