Romance,Animation   Japan

The movie Her Blue Sky, produced by Clover Works, revolves around the protagonist Aoi Aioi, a high school student and aspiring musician. Aoi's life takes an unexpected turn when her older sister, Akane, returns to their hometown after being away for several years. However, Akane brings along Shinnosuke Fukami, a struggling musician who claims to be Aoi's former childhood friend.

As Aoi spends more time with Shinnosuke, she begins to harbor feelings for him. However, she soon discovers that Shinnosuke is not actually a human. He is a ghost from the past who has returned to fulfill a promise he made to Aoi when they were children. Shinnosuke has been given a limited amount of time to spend with Aoi and make her happy before he must return to the afterlife.

Through their shared love for music, Aoi and Shinnosuke connect on a deep level and embark on a journey of self-discovery, forgiveness, and acceptance. As their relationship develops, it also affects those around them, including Aoi's childhood friend and fellow musician, Keisuke, who has always been in love with her.

However, as the deadline approaches, Aoi must confront the inevitable separation from Shinnosuke. She must face the reality of losing someone she deeply cares for and find the strength to let him go, all while cherishing the memories they have created together.

Her Blue Sky is a heartwarming and bittersweet tale that explores the power of love, music, and the beauty of fleeting moments, ultimately leaving viewers with the message to embrace the present and appreciate the connections we make in our lives.
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