Thriller,Comedy,Drama,Romance,Science Fiction   France,Greece,Ireland,Netherlands,United Kingdom

In the movie "The Lobster," the story revolves around David, a recently single man who is taken to The Hotel. The Hotel is a place where single people go to find a suitable romantic partner within a specific time frame. If they fail to do so, they are transformed into an animal of their choosing and released into The Woods.

Upon arrival at The Hotel, David is assigned a room and introduced to the Hotel's strict rules and regulations. While there, he meets a wide range of characters, all desperate to avoid being transformed into an animal. In order to increase their chances of finding a partner, they participate in various group activities, including mandatory daily hunts in the surrounding area called The Hunt.

David befriends a man named Robert, who has brought his dog, who was once his brother, as his chosen animal. Throughout their time at The Hotel, David observes the dynamics between the residents, finding it both absurd and comical. However, as the days pass, the pressure to find a partner intensifies.

Desperate to avoid his inevitable fate, David feigns interest in a heartless woman from The Hotel, knowing that she shows no genuine feelings towards him. Despite his efforts, David's ruse is exposed, and he is punished by being sent to The Woods as a wolf.

In The Woods, David encounters a group known as The Loners, individuals who have rejected the notion of forced partnership and live a solitary existence. The Loners enforce their own set of strict rules, heavily prohibiting any form of romance or partnership. During his time with The Loners, David develops an attraction towards a fellow member named Short Sighted Woman.

As David and the Short Sighted Woman secretly carry out a relationship, they face the challenges of hiding their emotions from the group's leader, who strongly opposes any form of romantic involvement. Their relationship becomes increasingly risky, as they risk being captured by The Hotel's staff if caught.

Without giving away the entire plot, "The Lobster" delves into themes of societal pressures, conformity, and the absurdity of the modern dating culture. It explores love, human connection, and the lengths people will go to find it or escape it. While its premise may be bleak and dystopian, the film also offers a thought-provoking commentary on society's obsession with finding a romantic partner.
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