Comedy   Italy

In the movie "Divorce Italian Style", Ferdinando Cefalù, a Sicilian nobleman, is unhappily married to Rosalia. He dreams of a life with his beautiful cousin, Angela, but divorce being illegal in Italy, he hatches a plan to murder his wife to be free to marry Angela.

Ferdinando learns that Italian law is more lenient towards crimes of passion, especially if they involve catching one's spouse in the act of adultery. He visits his lawyer to inquire about this legal loophole. The lawyer confirms that under certain circumstances a man can receive a reduced sentence for such a crime.

Encouraged by this information, Ferdinando seeks the assistance of a painter named Carmelo Patanè. He convinces Carmelo to pursue Rosalia romantically, with the aim of crafting a situation in which Ferdinando can catch them together and claim a crime of passion.

However, to his surprise, Rosalia remains loyal and does not give in to Carmelo's advances. Unbeknownst to Ferdinando, she is devoted to her marriage, despite their obvious incompatibility. Despite his continued efforts to push her into an affair, Rosalia remains steadfast and rejects Carmelo's advances.

Recognizing his wife's faithfulness and realizing that his plan is failing, Ferdinando grows increasingly frustrated and desperate. Repeatedly rebuffed by Rosalia, his desires for Angela become stronger, and his contempt for his wife intensifies.

Eventually, Ferdinando's frustration reaches its peak. In a moment of desperation, he confesses his plan to Rosalia, hoping to provoke her to commit adultery, but she remains unmoved. Instead, she suggests that he should leave her and pursue his love for Angela openly, even suggesting they pretend adultery by staging a situation in public. However, Ferdinando still desires to kill his wife to claim a lighter punishment.

The movie takes an unexpected turn when Ferdinando's plan is jeopardized by Angela's arranged marriage to a wealthy baron to secure the family's future. Realizing he has lost the chance to be with Angela, Ferdinando is devastated and starts contemplating the true nature of his actions.

As the movie progresses, Ferdinando's desperation and inner conflict continue to escalate. Whether he ultimately succeeds in his plan, faces the consequences of his actions, or finds redemption forms the climax and resolution of "Divorce Italian Style."
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