Action,Adventure,Drama,Thriller United States of America
After stealing the nuclear warheads, Deakins and his mercenaries plot to ransom them to the highest bidder. They plan to detonate one warhead as a demonstration of their capabilities and demand a large sum of money in return for not detonating the second warhead in a major city.
Hale, along with Carmichael, sets out to stop Deakins and retrieve the stolen warheads. They face various challenges and close calls, including a showdown at a remote airfield where Deakins attempts to escape with the warheads.
During the tense confrontation, Hale manages to outsmart and defeat Deakins, securing the warheads and preventing a potential catastrophe. The movie ends with Hale and Carmichael successfully returning the warheads to the military, averting a disaster and dealing with the aftermath of their harrowing ordeal.