Animation,Adventure,Action,Comedy Japan
After narrowly surviving the encounter with Yael Okuzaki, Jigen is determined to seek revenge and take down the assassin. Lupin and Jigen team up with Fujiko Mine and Goemon Ishikawa XIII to infiltrate East Doroa and track down Yael.
As they navigate through the dangerous and heavily guarded country, they encounter various obstacles and enemies, including the ruthless leader of East Doroa, Marlon Kato, who is also after the Little Comet treasure. The group must use all of their skills and cunning to outsmart their adversaries and reach the treasure before it falls into the wrong hands.
Throughout the mission, Jigen becomes increasingly obsessed with confronting Yael and settling the score once and for all. As the tension builds and the stakes get higher, the group faces betrayal, unexpected alliances, and deadly confrontations.
The movie delves into Jigen's character and past, exploring his personal vendetta against Yael and shedding light on his motivations and inner demons. It also showcases the dynamic between the members of the group and their unwavering loyalty to each other, even in the face of danger and uncertainty.
Ultimately, the race for the Little Comet treasure leads to a thrilling and action-packed climax as Lupin and his companions engage in a final showdown with Yael and Kato, culminating in a dramatic and satisfying resolution.