Animation   N/A

In "Thomas & Friends: Journey Beyond Sodor," the story follows Thomas the Tank Engine who is excited by the prospect of leaving the Island of Sodor and visiting the mainland for the first time. Thomas makes his way to the mainland with his new friend, Nia, a steam engine from Africa.

Once they reach the mainland, Thomas and Nia are introduced to an experimental engine named Hurricane. However, they soon discover that Hurricane is not happy with his assigned tasks and dreams of being the favorite engine. He decides to leave his assigned job and inadvertently causes an accident that leads to the capture of Thomas' friend, James.

Determined to save James, Thomas enlists the help of his friends, Percy, Gordon, and Emily, as well as some new experimental engines they meet on the mainland. Together, they embark on an exciting adventure to rescue James and bring him back to the Island of Sodor.

During their journey, Thomas and his friends encounter various challenges and obstacles. They overcome them with teamwork, friendship, and determination. Along the way, they learn important lessons about the value of friendship and understanding that being the favorite engine isn't the most important thing; it's how they support and help each other.

In the end, Thomas and the new experimental engines successfully save James and bring him back to the Island of Sodor. They also develop a deeper bond of friendship, realizing that it is more important to work together and support one another than to seek individual fame or popularity.
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