Comedy,Drama United Kingdom
"High Hopes" is a British comedy-drama film directed by Mike Leigh. The film delves into the lives of the working-class couple Shirley and Cyril, who live in London. Shirley dreams of having a baby, but Cyril, an idealistic Marxist, is reluctant due to his desire to change the world.
The couple also deals with the challenges of Cyril's aging mother, who is becoming forgetful and needs assistance. When she locks herself out of the house, she must reluctantly rely on their upper-middle-class neighbors for help, leading to some comical and awkward interactions.
Meanwhile, Cyril's sister Valerie, who is pretentious and married to a philandering husband, plans a surprise party for their mother's 70th birthday. The party turns into a disaster, with tension arising between the working-class and upper-middle-class guests.
Through it all, Shirley remains steadfast and holds things together, showcasing her resilience and strength in the face of challenges.
As the film progresses, the couple's relationship and their differing views on family and society are explored, offering a poignant and humorous look at the complexities of everyday life. Ultimately, the film presents a heartwarming and hopeful story, as Shirley and Cyril navigate the ups and downs of family, relationships, and their own aspirations. And as the film concludes, there is a possibility that Shirley and Cyril may reconsider their decision about having a baby, potentially setting aside her Dutch cap after all.