Horror,Thriller United Kingdom
"The Seasoning House" is a 2012 British thriller film directed by Paul Hyett. Set during the Balkan Wars in the 1990s, the movie follows the story of a young deaf mute girl named Angel.
Angel (played by Rosie Day) is taken from her home and sold to a brothel known as the Seasoning House, a hideout for various militaries that use young girls as prostitutes. The Seasoning House is run by Viktor (Kevin Howarth), a ruthless and sadistic war criminal. Due to her disability, Angel is spared the terrible fate of her fellow girls and instead becomes a "house cleaner" who takes care of the girls, maintaining cleanliness and administering drugs to keep them compliant.
As Angel witnesses the horrifying treatment of the girls, she silently plans her escape. She discovers hidden passages and crawlspaces within the house, allowing her to move undetected and gain valuable information about the brothel's operations. Angel even befriends Vanya (Dominique Provost-Chalkley), a young girl who has a close relationship with another orphan named Alex (Sean Pertwee), a guerrilla fighter.
When a group of soldiers arrive at the Seasoning House, Angel sees an opportunity for her escape. While the soldiers are occupied, she navigates the crawlspaces and tunnels, managing to flee the premises. Angel's main focus now shifts to exacting her revenge on Viktor and everyone involved in the house.
With her knowledge of the compound, Angel secretly sabotages the Seasoning House, causing disruptions and chaos. She targets the soldiers and brothel owners, using her resourcefulness and determination to enact a brutal and ingenious revenge. Along the way, she crosses paths with Alex, who has been searching for her.
As the climax builds, Angel's vengeful acts become more brutal and relentless, resulting in a thrilling and intense confrontation with Viktor. The film delves into themes of survival, trauma, and the dark depths of human cruelty, all centered around Angel's quest for justice and retribution.
"The Seasoning House" is a harrowing and emotionally charged film that explores the harsh realities of war and its impact on vulnerable individuals, while highlighting the strength and resilience of its protagonist as she fights for her freedom and seeks to end the cycle of abuse.