Romance,Mystery   Japan

As Ryo starts having imaginary phone conversations with Shinya, a classmate she barely knows, they begin to form a unique connection. These conversations become Ryo's outlet to express herself and share her thoughts, dreams, and fears. Shinya, on the other end, starts to genuinely enjoy their imaginary conversations and is intrigued by Ryo's perspective on life.

As their friendship deepens, Ryo gradually gains the courage to open up more in real-life interactions. She starts participating in class discussions, voicing her opinions, and even making small talk with her classmates. Shinya becomes her constant support, encouraging her to step out of her comfort zone and embrace her true self.

However, Ryo's newfound confidence is put to the test when Shinya unexpectedly transfers to another school. Devastated and afraid to lose her only friend, Ryo is determined to find a way to keep their connection alive. She turns her imaginary cell phone conversations into a form of therapy, talking to Shinya as if he were still there.

In her search for a way to maintain contact, Ryo stumbles upon a writing club at school. In a strange twist of fate, Shinya also starts attending this club, having chosen the same extracurricular activity to pursue his love for writing. Their reunion sparks immense joy and relief in Ryo's life, and she realizes that Shinya had been missing their imaginary conversations just as much as she had.

Together, Ryo and Shinya become active members of the club, sharing their stories, experiences, and emotions through their writings. Their bond grows stronger, transforming from mere friendship into a profound understanding of each other's inner worlds.

As the school year comes to an end, Ryo and Shinya face the looming reality of going their separate ways for college. However, their connection remains unbreakable, as they vow to keep their friendship alive while exploring new paths.

Only You Can Hear Me is a heartwarming story that highlights the importance of genuine human connections. It showcases Ryo's journey of self-discovery, from her isolation and fear to finding her voice and gaining the confidence to express herself. Ultimately, Ryo and Shinya's bond transcends the limitations of their imaginary conversations, proving that true friendship can withstand distance and time.
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