Documentary   United States of America

In the movie "Keep Sweet," the story revolves around the conflicts and struggles faced by the residents of Hildale, Utah, and Colorado City, Arizona. These towns were established by members of a breakaway faction of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (FlDS) who continued to practice polygamy even after it was banned by the mainstream LDS Church.

The plot follows several main characters who are deeply entrenched in the religious and cultural traditions of the FLDS community. One of them is Sarah, a young woman, who is married to an older polygamous man, Isaac. Sarah's life is marked by the constant struggle for acceptance, adherence to strict gender roles, and the emotional toll of living in a polygamous marriage.

As the story progresses, Sarah's discontentment with the limited choices and the lack of personal freedom within the community grows. She begins to question the teachings of the FLDS and secretly explores the forbidden world outside her closed society. This journey of self-discovery becomes even more crucial when she befriends a non-FLDS member, Emma, from a neighboring town.

Emma is a strong-willed woman determined to escape the oppressive lifestyle of Hildale. Together, Sarah and Emma embark on a dangerous journey through their respective towns, uncovering dark secrets and challenging the status quo of their communities. Their friendship becomes a symbol of hope and resilience, inspiring others trapped in the same situation to question their beliefs and seek change.

Throughout the movie, the plot delves into the social, psychological, and emotional consequences faced by individuals within the FLDS community. It sheds light on the dynamics of power, control, and manipulation by the community's leaders, and the hardships faced by those who defy the established order.

As tensions rise and a divide deepens between those seeking freedom and those committed to preserving their traditions, the movie reaches a climactic point. Sarah must make a life-altering decision that may destabilize everything she has known. The story concludes with a powerful exploration of the themes of personal autonomy, breaking free from oppressive cultures, and the strength of friendship.

"Keep Sweet" ultimately offers an intimate and thought-provoking portrayal of the struggles faced by those living in polygamous communities and the courage it takes to forge a new path when faced with adversity.
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