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Set Roaring War follows the story of Emily, a drama school student who is struggling to cope with her troubled and unpredictable flatmate, Sarah, during the UK's Covid-19 enforced lockdown. As tensions rise and Emily's patience wears thin, she decides to take an unorthodox approach to evict Sarah from their shared flat.

Emily begins by trying to reason with Sarah, but her efforts are fruitless as Sarah becomes increasingly volatile and erratic. Frustrated and desperate, Emily turns to her newfound interest in method acting as a solution. She starts to method act as a confident and assertive individual, using various acting techniques to manipulate and outmaneuver Sarah.

As Emily's unorthodox approach starts to take effect, Sarah's behavior becomes more and more unhinged, leading to a dramatic and intense confrontation between the two flatmates. The lockdown exacerbates the situation, creating a tense and claustrophobic atmosphere within their shared living space.

Ultimately, Set Roaring War explores the psychological toll of living in close quarters with someone who is struggling with mental health issues, and the extreme lengths that one may go to in order to protect their own well-being. The film delves into the complexities of human behavior and the blurred lines between reality and performance, as Emily's method acting begins to consume her own identity.
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