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Envisage is an intriguing film that delves into the lives of three individuals who are considered abnormal in society. The movie explores their daily routines and challenges by presenting the story entirely through the subjective camera perspective. Through this unique approach, the audience is invited to experience a day in the lives of these characters, hearing their internal thoughts, dialogues, and seeing what they see.

The first character is Amelia, a young artist with synesthesia. Her perception of the world is deeply intertwined with her senses, as she sees colors, shapes, and patterns while hearing music or experiencing emotions. The film takes us through Amelia's day as she wakes up to a vibrant symphony of colors and shapes, which guide her through her art studio where she creates stunning abstract paintings. The audience witnesses her unique perspective by being enveloped in a visually stunning world that reveals her synesthetic experiences.

The second character is Benjamin, a man who suffers from prosopagnosia, also known as face blindness. Living with this condition, Benjamin struggles to recognize familiar faces, including those of his loved ones. The audience is immersed in his world, seeing blurred faces and focusing on details such as voices, movements, or distinct objects to identify people. Benjamin's day is filled with challenges in public spaces, as he relies on other cues to navigate his daily interactions. As the film progresses, his storyline intertwines with both Amelia and the third character.

The third character is Marcus, a paranoid conspiracy theorist who believes he is constantly being followed and monitored. Marcus' day is presented as a tense and suspenseful experience. The camera constantly scans the surroundings, seemingly capturing suspicious figures or moments. The audience is transported into Marcus' mind, hearing his frantic thoughts and witnessing his desperate attempts to uncover the truth. Marcus's storyline eventually intertwines with both Amelia and Benjamin during a scene that each character interprets differently, leaving it up to the audience to decide what truly happened.

As Envisage progresses, the lives of these three characters become increasingly entangled. Their paths cross, leading to unexpected and surprising outcomes. These encounters challenge their perceptions, beliefs, and even provoke growth and change within each character. The movie evolves into a fun, yet thought-provoking cinematic adventure that explores the power and subjectivity of perception.

Envisage asks the audience to question their own perceptions and reflect on the complexities of human subjectivity. Through the subjective camera approach, the film challenges the notion of objective reality, leaving space for interpretation and personal reflection. Ultimately, Envisage presents the audience with a thrilling and immersive experience, encouraging empathy, understanding, and a fresh perspective on what it means to walk in another person's shoes.
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