Comedy,Drama,Thriller   United Kingdom,United States of America

Oliver Quick, a young and ambitious student at Oxford University, feels like an outsider and struggles to find his place in the prestigious institution. However, his life takes an unexpected turn when he encounters Felix Catton, a charismatic and aristocratic student.

Intrigued by Felix's charm and allure, Oliver is pulled into his captivating world. Felix, belonging to the wealthy and eccentric Catton family, invites Oliver to spend the summer at Saltburn, their sprawling estate located in the English countryside. Eager for adventure and a chance to escape his uncertainties, Oliver agrees to the invitation.

Arriving at Saltburn, Oliver is immediately immersed in the eccentricities of the Catton family. He discovers a world filled with ancient traditions, bizarre hobbies, and unusual family dynamics. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of Saltburn, Oliver begins to uncover dark secrets hidden within its grand walls.

Amidst this peculiar environment, Oliver develops a close bond with Felix, forming a friendship built on shared experiences and desires. Together, they navigate the complexities of the Catton family's history while trying to find their own paths in life.

As the summer progresses, Oliver becomes entangled in the complicated relationships and scandals that plague the Catton family. From forbidden romances to long-buried secrets, Oliver witnesses the unraveling of their aristocratic facade and struggles to maintain his own identity in the midst of chaos.

Throughout this transformative summer, Oliver grows both emotionally and intellectually, evolving from a naive and uncertain young man to someone more self-assured and understanding. He discovers his own strengths and passions, learning valuable lessons about loyalty, love, and the price of privilege.

Saltburn is a coming-of-age tale that explores themes of identity, friendship, and the complexities of family. It offers a glimpse into a world that is both enchanting and dark, leaving Oliver forever changed by the unforgettable summer he spends at Saltburn.
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